Sub-Sections / Clubs
Ringwood RSL in Action
8 Ball
The 8-Ball (Pool) Sub Section compete in the Eastern District Pool League (EDPL). The winter competition is the main competition from March to October, however we occasionally enter a summer competition team which is played from October to March.
The 8-Ball Section typically has 2 or 3 teams in the winter competition. Team numbers and playing formats vary according to division. Games are played at home & away venues on Tuesday night at 7pm and practice is in on Monday night from 6.30pm.
Membership fees for the 8-Ball Section are currently $40 registration with the EDPL at the start of each season and $10 per week playing fee. These fees cover the game, supper on competition nights, shirt, annual presentation function and end of year (winter competition) function.
All members of the 8-Ball Section must be financial members of the Sub Branch (Service, Affiliate or Social).
New members are welcome. Further information can be obtained by contacting Reception on 9870 6604.
The Angling section was formed in the late 1950’s and has always been one of the most popular sporting sections within the R&SL.
The section predominately caters for the salt water angler; however there is an annual freshwater trip to the Snowy Mountains.
Salt Water Programme:
We usually have approximately 13 trips per season, fishing in both Port Philip and Western Port Bays. Charter boats are booked pre season. The boats usually hold between 10 and 16 anglers. A trophy is awarded each trip to the winner of that particular trip competition, there also Perpetual Trophies awarded to the following:
- First Snapper of the season
- Heaviest Snapper of the season
- Most whiting of the season
- Heaviest Edible of the season
- Heaviest Flathead of the season
- Clubman of the year
- Club Champion
Fresh Water Programme:
An annual trip to the Snowies or an alternative location, accommodation is arranged and groups of members travel together for this event. The competition lasts for a week and a trophy is awarded for the largest fish caught over this period.
Next Trip:
Last Trip:
Membership and Activities Information
We levy a $50 annual membership which includes a club polo shirt and access to our annual presentation event in December which includes free food and refreshments

We schedule monthly games at a variety of venues throughout the calendar year

Local courses are primarily Dorset, Ringwood and Rowville Lakes and are generally scheduled for the cooler winter months. Presentation and a BBQ lunch follows the game on course or at the Ringwood RSL.
Your handicap for the first three games will be 27 (provisional) unless you have a current official handicap – whichever is the lower. After three games you will be given a handicap based on our system but still use the lower if you have an official one.
Our AGM is held in January each year at the Ringwood RSL to update all members on the outcome of the past year, the schedule for the coming year and a brief financial update.
Newsletters advising members of any changes / updated information are sent out regularly throughout the year to your nominated email address.
For any queries or further information please feel free to contact our President Bob Dunstan on 0438 987 005 or email us at [email protected]